Project Portfolio

Roxie 2011 CDBG Water Improvements


Town of Roxie


Roxie, Mississippi · Franklin County

A recent inspection of the Town of Roxie’s water treatment and storage facilities by the Mississippi State Department of Health found a host of serious deficiencies—the chlorination system was out of compliance with the Disinfectant/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (DBPR); one of the plant’s two service pumps had failed and the second was leaking heavily; the influent and effluent water meters were unrespon-sive; well and treatment controls were antiquated, heavily altered and difficult to maintain; the filters were in need of rehabilitation; and the 150,000-gallon water tank was experiencing deterioration across its entirety, with bent windage rods indicating the structure had shifted during Hurricane Isaac. With the entire system in danger of failure at any time, the town di-rected WGK, Inc. to design a CDBG project to make urgent repairs/replacements to the entire system.

  • Replacement of chlorination, 150 GPM service and soda ash pump.
  • Replacement of water meters.
  • Replacement of water treatment plant and well controls.
  • Complete interior and exterior tank sandblasting and recoating.
  • Tank component repairs, including windage rods and controls.
  • Rehabilitation of treatment filters.
  • Total Project Cost: $358,500.

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204 West Leake Street
Clinton, MS 39056

210 Woodgate Drive, South
Suite D
Brandon, MS 39042

132 West Cherokee Street
Brookhaven, MS 39601